Wednesday, December 8, 2010


"everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on earth"
Six Degrees of Separation-Frigyes Karinthy

Today I am reminded to this theory. According to wikipedia Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the "Human Web") refers to the idea that everyone is on average approximately six steps away from any other person on Earth, so that a chain of, "a friend of a friend" statements can be made, on average, to connect any two people in six steps or fewer. It was originally set out by Frigyes Karinthy.

and I do believe that...

me said that situation is SMALL WORLD SYNDROME ;D

in the past, I always mock my mom, because she has a very small world when we talk about her old friends

her friend married my dad's friend who has a brother who married my mom's friend's sister

please interpret by yourself

GYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *evil laugh (i like this way of laugh by the way ;p)

confused? not me anymore

and it's not only one case but many cases related to my mom and dad (my mom and dad went to the same collage by the way, no wonder they really have a small world)

until... untill... until

i experienced it


most very fresh incident occurred this afternoon

i joined a handcrafting class named PLAY YOUR MAGIC HAND (i'll tell you about it later)
i took the "T-Shirt Bag" class

and the tutor is Mbak Putri
she teach me and another participant to reuse old T-Shirt and with my magic hand.... *taa daaa* the tee turned into bag
(once again, i'll post it soon)

actually i already have an idea to make a T-Shirt bag since a long time ago after i find this article on go girl magz website, but i don't have time to do it

after the class was over, i went to my dorm, i re-open their blog and i found one of their post
and O LA LA
its feels like de javu
i know that T-Shirt Bag
a T-Shirt Bag that makes me want to do it more :)

and then the SMALL WORLD FATE begins

Mbak Putri is my cousins's wife's sister


let me tell you from front

i have a cousin. he married Mbak Putri's sister

phhiiuuuhhh finnally i can make it simple :D

i am so bad in memorizing face..... :( and name ;) (pardon me people out there if someday we meet and you find out i don't remember you)

and it's also not my first case

and my only response is laugh.... surprisingly laugh =))

by the way,,, i am so much fun today and i'm planning to attend their class next week
can't wait >_<

C U next week "OJANTO-ers"


  1. haha...ya dunia memang sempit, waktu ke jogja kemarin aku juga menemui teman dari berbeda latar belakang tapi ternyata mereka saling kenal,hihi... what a small world... :)

  2. aaahhh di komenin mbak dita.... ;)
    btw mbak, aku yg pesen tas tjangklongnya lho
    iya mbak suempiit banged
    jadi pengen cari temen sebanyak2nya buat ngebuktiin teori itu

  3. hua..pengen bgt dateng ke play ur magic kmrn lagi2 berhalangan..
    mb pinas salam kenal ya..!!I'm just following
    smoga minggu depan bisa datang & bertemu di foodfezt ^^

  4. hehe salam kenal juga mbak sari
    iya sampai ketemu di foodfezt ;)
